Shearing Plastic Peeling of Rectangular Inclusion with Contactless one Plane Pair


  • Liubov Tsymbaliuk Department of Mathematical Methods in Engineering Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University
  • Vasyl Kryven Department of Mathematical Methods in Engineering Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University
  • Vоlоdуmуr Valiashek Department of Mathematical Methods in Engineering Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University
  • Andriy Boyko Department of Mathematical Methods in Engineering Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University


rectangular inclusion, plastic exfoliation, analytical solution, conformal mapping


The numerical-analytic solution of the problem for quasi-static plastic peeling of the rigid rectangular inclusion is found, one pair of parallel planes free from contact with the basic medium, and the second one to the load is in the ideal mechanical contact with it. It is shown that the development of plastic deformations according to the scheme of single-band plastic peeling is possible only in case when the length of the contactless plane pair is not less than the length of their second pair.





Section 7 Mathematical and computer modelling of complex systems