Intelligent Method for Recognizing the Closest Pair in Fuzzy Conditions


  • Ihor Saukh Dept. of Oil, Gas and Chemical Mechanical Engineering Odessa National Polytechnic University
  • Serhii Nesterenko Department of Computer Systems and Networks Odessa National Polytechnic University
  • Olesya Daderko Department of Computer Systems and Networks Odessa National Polytechnic University


closest pairs, fuzzy conditions, image recognition, information component, automobile wheels


It has been shown that paired bodies of many technical devices, as well as a pair of rhymed words in linguistics, a pair of expedition participants, and much more, require careful selection during their assembly and replacement, since many hidden, fuzzy parameters in them may be distant. The algorithm of the intelligent recognition method of the nearest pair in the finite set of the same type objects in the fuzzy conditions is proposed. Tests of the method on real objects confirmed its technical efficiency.





Section 7 Mathematical and computer modelling of complex systems