Synthesis of Optimal Control of Dynamic Processes in GTS


  • Myroslav Prytula dept. of designing systems of optimal scheduling and forecasting operating modes of GTS Research and Design Institute of Gas Transport of PJSC «Ukrtransgaz»
  • Nazar Prytula dept. of designing systems of optimal scheduling and forecasting operating modes of GTS Research and Design Institute of Gas Transport of PJSC «Ukrtransgaz»


Gas transmission system, optimal operation mode, optimal control, optimization algorithms, software, compressor station


The problem of the synthesis of gas transmission system control as a complex open dynamic system with distributed parameters in limited spatio-temporal domains is presented. To solve this problem algorithms and software for modeling the effect of changing the initial boundary conditions on the flow distribution parameters, under conditions of external controlled and uncontrolled dynamic perturbations, have been developed. The tasks of finding parameters of control of gasdynamic processes by active facilities are stated for ensuring optimal flow distribution in the system by the energy criterion. The results of approbation of the developed algorithms and software are shown. The analysis of numerical experiments on the developed software using real data is presented, which confirmed the correctness of the chosen research direction.





Section 7 Mathematical and computer modelling of complex systems