The General Scheme of Investigation for Longitudinal Oscillations of Rods of a PiecewiseConstant Section


  • O.O. Karabyn Department of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics Lviv State University of life safety
  • R.M. Tatsij Department of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics Lviv State University of life safety
  • O.Yu. Chmyr Department of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics Lviv State University of life safety


kvazidifferential equation, the boundary value problem, the Cauchy matrix, the eigenvalues problem, the method of Fourier and the method of eigenfunctions


The general method of investigation for longitudinal oscillations of rods of a piecewise-constant section is offered. In the basis of the solving scheme is a concept of quasi-derivatives, a modern theory of systems of linear differential equations, the classical Fourier method and a reduction method. The advantage of this method is a possibility to examine a problem on each breakdown segment and then to combine obtained solutions on the basis of matrix calculation. Such an approach allows the use of software tools for solving the problem.





Section 8 Applied methods for continuous and discrete mathematical models research