Phase Rotation Compensation Methods in Case of Implementation of Three-Qubit Toffoli Gate


  • Andrii Tereshchenko dept. of doctoral studies, V.M.Glushkov Institute of Cybernetics of the NAS
  • Valerii Zadiraka dept. of numerical methods of optimization, V.M.Glushkov Institute of Cybernetics of the NAS


gate Toffoli, universal gate, reversible computation, quantum computational model, quantum circuit, phase rotate, transfer of classical calculations to the quantum model, multi-digit arithmetic


The work considers the methods of compensating phase rotates for defined initial states of quantum circuits. A feature of the considered methods is that the compensations do not affect the phases of the results for other initial states. In this paper, various implementations of the Toffoli gate are considered, for which phase rotation compensations were carried out according to the proposed methods. A large set of Toffoli gate implementations (and other universal gates) based on various basic gates allows to optimize parts of large quantum circuits. Such circuits are circuits for implementing multi-digit arithmetic operations.





Section 5 Information protection in information and telecommunication system