Diagnostics of Computer Systems with Shared Memory


  • Oleksandr Malko department of information and telecommunication technologies and systems, Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas


parallel programming, Petri nets, synchronization primitives, absence of dead ends, mathematical programming


Currently, there is a large amount of both theoretical research in this field and the implementation of practical tools for the development of distributed algorithms based on Petri nets. An international standard for Petri nets is being developed. At the same time, there is a need to develop formalism in order to more adequately and conveniently present systems with a complex structure. Modern systems are often multi-agent and have a hierarchical, multi-level structure. In this regard, research has recently been conducted on extending the formalism of Petri nets due to the ideas of an object-oriented approach in order to obtain models that clearly reflect the hierarchical and multi-agent structure of the system.





Section 7 Mathematical and computer modelling of complex systems