Development of a Computer System of Technical Condition for the Electric Podded Azimuth Thrusters


  • Vitalii Budashko dept. of Electrical Engineering and Radio Electronics Faculty National University “Odessa Maritime Academy”
  • Vitalii Nikolskyi dept. of Theory of automatic control and computer technology National University “Odessa Maritime Academy”
  • Sergii Khniunin dept. of Theory of automatic control and computer technology National University “Odessa Maritime Academy”
  • Мark Nikolskyi dept. of Automation of Vessel Gas Turbines and Diesel Installations National University “Odessa Maritime Academy”


safety of navigation, the Coandă effect, an electric podded azimuth thrusters, propulsion complex, piezo transducers


The results of studies of the influence of the emerging a Coandă effect when using the boundary modes of operation of the propulsion complex as part of the creation of a computer system for the technical condition of the electric podded azimuth thrusters for improving the safety of operation of marine facilities are presented.






Section 5 Information protection in information and telecommunication system