Development of a Computer System of Technical Condition for the Electric Podded Azimuth Thrusters


  • Vitalii Budashko dept. of Electrical Engineering and Radio Electronics Faculty National University “Odessa Maritime Academy”
  • Vitalii Nikolskyi dept. of Theory of automatic control and computer technology National University “Odessa Maritime Academy”
  • Sergii Khniunin dept. of Theory of automatic control and computer technology National University “Odessa Maritime Academy”
  • Мark Nikolskyi dept. of Automation of Vessel Gas Turbines and Diesel Installations National University “Odessa Maritime Academy”

Ключові слова:

safety of navigation, the Coandă effect, an electric podded azimuth thrusters, propulsion complex, piezo transducers


The results of studies of the influence of the emerging a Coandă effect when using the boundary modes of operation of the propulsion complex as part of the creation of a computer system for the technical condition of the electric podded azimuth thrusters for improving the safety of operation of marine facilities are presented.


